Instagram Reels
Yay or ney?
Reels are THE big thing on the Gram these days.
Rumor has it that some accounts have grown overnight by tens of thousands of followers due to their Reel reaching high numbers, even 1 million views in some cases… I couldn't tell you if that’s always the case, BUT, Reels undoubtedly do allow you to reach a much broader audience than just your followers! But what is a Reel? And should you also jump onto that bandwagon?
Let’s get stuck right into it!
What are Reels? And where can I find them?
Put simply, Reels are "TikTok for everyone". With its differentiated version of short videos, up to 30 seconds long, that can (and should) be accompanied by music, it is Instagram‘s attempt to grapple back control from its rapidly growing competitor TikTok. Thus, Reels are a cleverly copied and adapted gimmick, offering user-friendliness so that regular users (without teenage genes) can handle this feature.
A Reel can be found while scrolling through your news feed, on the feed of the person who posted it, in the own Reels tab in their profile, or, of course, in the Reels explore feed. Reels can also be shared via Stories and DMs and can be liked, commented on & saved, just like a normal feed post. Additionally, you can get a share link, available for every Reel.
Why are Reels great?
First things first – Reels provide the opportunity to reach a large, broad, and diverse audience if done properly. This means Graham has to approve of them and push it out to his disciples. Who’s Graham you may ask? Instagram = the Gram = Graham. Imagine him as a moody old guy who’s super picky, and will make your life a lot easier if you follow his criteria. ;) So, Insta-Graham pushes the new feature, sometimes an almost infinite amount of times, meaning you’re able to reach multiple of your followers, regardless of whether you’re a creator or a brand. However, unsurprisingly, he does not like TikTok Recordings!
There’s one simple reason for Graham's actions: he aims to draw users in and keep them on the app for as long as possible. More time spent on the app = more data for him to collect. Simple, right?
Similarly to TikTok, challenges and hashtags in Reels provide a lot of touchpoints for gaining a wide reach and pulling attention towards your account.
And let us not forget about the Explore Tab and Hashtag search! Reels own a field twice as big as posts in both of them.
Furthermore, if you're fast, you can jump onto trends enough to surf on top of that wave. This essentially means even when you don't really think too much about what you create, you're still able to obtain exposure to an immense audience. More exposure = more new followers.
Did you think video trends only existed on TikTok? I bet you’ve seen at least 5 of those “What I mean when I say I live in…” Reels, the Aurora Challenge, or all the Google Earth vs. Location Videos! If not… congrats, you're avoiding Graham's enticing pull, or it just means I’m spending way too much time in the Reels feed. 🙈
Last but not least – it’s super fun and easy to make a Reel! Even if you’re not reel-ly (🤭) into videos yet, just give it a try! If you only have pictures on your phone, you could comfortably put them together into a short video. Recycle the content you already have! Actually, I can’t recommend InShot enough for this, but you could film and cut your Reel directly on Instagram itself.
In summary, with a bit of creativity and a hint of spontaneity, through Reels, you can increase the awareness coming to your page, both as a creator and as a brand. Unlike Stories which vanish after 24h, your content stays on the Gram and can be watched over and over again.
Should I use Reels now?
Well, SHOULD is a strong word – but I’d say at least give it a try. As I stated before, it’s reel-ly easy, and if you’ve no ideas coming to mind, just take a look at the current trends for inspiration! If you’re super courageous and not afraid to put yourself out there you could even make use of the new Reels Remix feature, which allows your Reels to be displayed directly next to other creator’s Reels.
BUT, at the same time, you shouldn’t force it. If you're not struck by inspiration or this trend is simply just not for you or your brand, then don’t make that Reel! A Reel needs added value and even if you’re jumping onto that latest trend make sure that your audience still recognizes you behind the video. So please always keep that in mind, Graham will notice. 😉
All in all…
…if you’re lucky enough for Graham to like what you’re putting out there – congrats! That moody old guy is not easily satisfied… And if not – try it again and move on. Just cause it’s THE hottest shit right now, doesn’t mean it has to fit you and your brand. It’s all about the value, remember?
In case you want some help just leave us a message. 😉